Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2022

Gallery: Jennie BLACKPINK Instagram Stories in Comfort Seoul

Instastory atau Instagram Stories yang diunggah Jennie "BLACKPINK" di Instagramnya @jennierubyjane pada tanggal 27 Juni 2022, Jennie mengunjungi cafe Comfort Seoul, diketahui bahwa cafe yang baru dibuka beberapa hari yang lalu, tidak memiliki pelanggan setelah Jennie mendatangi cafe tersebut tempatnya menjadi ramai

(Instastory or Instagram Stories uploaded by Jennie "BLACKPINK" on her Instagram @jennierubyjane on June 27, 2022, Jennie visited Comfort Seoul cafe, it is known that the cafe, which just opened a few days ago, had no customers after Jennie visited the cafe the place became crowded

Date: June 27, 2022

format: video
format: video
Date: June 27, 2022

Artikel "Gallery: Jennie BLACKPINK Instagram Stories in Comfort Seoul" dipublikasikan 22 Oktober 2022

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